Embrace the Proof of Origin (PoO) of your data and documents thanks to Kalima Blockchain.

18 Sep 2023, 12:00
⏹️Embrace the Proof of Origin (PoO) of your data and documents thanks to Kalima Blockchain 🔹Blockchain technology improves security by using cryptography to secure transactions and protect data. This makes it more difficult for hackers to steal information or compromise systems. 🔹Kalima Blockchain Proof of Origin (Po0) guarantees origin of data’s, (who, when, where) and their whole life cycle via immutable digital records that can be accessed and independently verified from anywhere. 🔹Kalima DataLake and DataSafe allow digital safe storage, archiving and data authentication thanks to blockchain mechanism. Data can be shared with trust (Permissioned blockchain) to authorized persons. Read more Here: #proofoforigin #poo #kalima #kalima #kalimablockchain